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Went to Italy with 9 girls!


This weekend has been a blast! Friday I worked from 8 am until 2pm and then I was off until 6 pm, because my host mom was having friends over for dinner as a small birthday party (her birthday was Saturday the 10th). Anyway I was asked to help out that evening and it turned out that I was the chef during the dinner, so I made Nachos as a starter, Thai curry chicken with beans and then a Tiramisu as a dessert. Everybody loved the food and was very kind towards me. I had met 2 of the guests before and I really like them. I got to know an American woman called Marlene, a British couple called Eleanor, Nick and their 9 year old girl Nicky. I had fun and I worked until midnight!

Saturday I worked again in the morning and relaxed during the evening because Sunday I had big plans.

So today, Sunday, I left home in the morning to catch a train to Italy to a city called Ventimiglia. There I had a meet up with 9 other girls, au pairs. I invited them all on a facebook chat I made for some au pairs that had contacted me through the last month

It was so nice to finally meet some other people on my own age and in the same situation as me. We talked a lot and walked around in the town. We saw the old part of the town, some beautiful churches and cathedrals and we found a nice Italian restaurant where we got lunch. After that we found an Italian ice cream place - yummy! I got 3 flavours: different fruit, coffee and chocolate. After that we took the next train back towards Cannes and the girls got off at their city and we said goodbye, but 6 of us, including me, we went to Nice to get a drink and some dinner (I continued because my bus only leaves from the Villefrance train station at 4 and 6 and the time was past 4, so I took my chance that the busses from Nice went more often). It was so nice and I came back home at 8 pm and now I am really tired and need to sleep because I have to work tomorrow morning at 7 !




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